7334 rank

4,260,444 points

2,598 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
motherearth    The Circle of Daisy
Noarsil 7334 motherearth The Circle of Daisy 4,260,444 2,598
motherearth    Titans Deux
Houndsmoor 8623 motherearth Titans Deux 3,971,316 2,342
motherearth    Rosey Cheeks
Sinerania 5631 motherearth Rosey Cheeks 2,243,157 2,225
motherearth    The Xllis Empire
Tuulech 3519 motherearth The Xllis Empire 2,173,306 1,948
motherearth    Beginners Guild
Rugnir 6214 motherearth Beginners Guild 2,165,332 2,020