3559 rank

38,583,261 points

42,327 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Zater    YNWA
Noarsil 3559 Zater YNWA 38,583,261 42,327
Zater    🐉Thunder Dragons🐉
Mount Killmore 3784 Zater 🐉Thunder Dragons🐉 32,674,878 52,640
Zater    Unicorns II
Greifental 4256 Zater Unicorns II 29,093,874 39,901
Zater    Guild of the Unicorn
Jaims 4184 Zater Guild of the Unicorn 25,894,408 39,504
Zater    St-Tabarnak
Houndsmoor 5181 Zater St-Tabarnak 22,651,271 53,084
Zater    Vice Versa
Cirgard 6334 Zater Vice Versa 11,114,750 21,409
Zater    Mckays world
Odhrorvar 8828 Zater Mckays world 1,397,471 3,210
Zater    Mckays world
East-Nagach 10331 Zater Mckays world 1,161,672 2,901