9170 rank

1,333,564 points

887 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
sawtooth    GOLDEN OLDIES 🛶
Sinerania 5069 sawtooth GOLDEN OLDIES 🛶 2,463,941 982
sawtooth    Challenger
Cirgard 9473 sawtooth Challenger 2,097,663 964
sawtooth    Crown and Country
Greifental 9630 sawtooth Crown and Country 1,348,328 816
sawtooth    Tranquility reborn
Noarsil 9170 sawtooth Tranquility reborn 1,333,564 887
sawtooth    Black Swan
East-Nagach 9953 sawtooth Black Swan 1,318,688 792
sawtooth    Kingdom guild
Parkog 6843 sawtooth Kingdom guild 927,653 762
sawtooth    Thirteens House
Rugnir 7772 sawtooth Thirteens House 729,018 721