6505 rank

7,173,843 points

9,194 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dinegu 79 dark-dave EVOLUTION RISING 2,187,854,850 572,897
dark-dave    Forlorn Hope
Jaims 4121 dark-dave Forlorn Hope 29,330,630 15,201
dark-dave    Feet Up
Uceria 1643 dark-dave Feet Up 13,198,819 25,628
dark-dave    Guild of few
Noarsil 6505 dark-dave Guild of few 7,173,843 9,194
dark-dave    E.V.
Rugnir 6283 dark-dave E.V. 2,096,257 4,956
dark-dave    retired old guy
Fel Dranghyr 9007 dark-dave retired old guy 2,009,797 1,570
Tuulech 6448 dark-dave 241,942 1,697
dark-dave    CRO
East-Nagach 15608 dark-dave CRO 105,208 211
Langendorn 15154 dark-dave 65,387 317
dark-dave    Chaotic Legacy
Houndsmoor 17511 dark-dave Chaotic Legacy 60,521 69