6459 rank

7,340,711 points

9,441 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
neil.w59    Urban Militia
Arvahall 4832 neil.w59 Urban Militia 35,055,013 15,782
Brisgard 4740 neil.w59 30,605,754 16,524
neil.w59    JustMeMyself and I
Fel Dranghyr 4507 neil.w59 JustMeMyself and I 26,471,067 13,664
neil.w59    notlonely
Dinegu 4723 neil.w59 notlonely 25,877,967 11,733
neil.w59    Guild one
East-Nagach 4737 neil.w59 Guild one 24,356,680 17,216
neil.w59    Prestige
Greifental 4672 neil.w59 Prestige 24,312,630 11,770
neil.w59    * House Stark *
Houndsmoor 5465 neil.w59 * House Stark * 21,375,951 9,221
neil.w59    justabastardguild
Jaims 5252 neil.w59 justabastardguild 15,207,704 13,586
neil.w59    Raptors
Korch 5613 neil.w59 Raptors 12,232,210 9,939
neil.w59    band of one
Noarsil 6459 neil.w59 band of one 7,340,711 9,441