10348 rank

749,274 points

1,166 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cordelia the Spider 522    Roaring Trade
Rugnir 2087 Cordelia the Spider 522 Roaring Trade 44,422,345 14,130
Cordelia the Spider 522    The Village
Parkog 2468 Cordelia the Spider 522 The Village 25,076,025 10,797
Cordelia the Spider 522   
Odhrorvar 6731 Cordelia the Spider 522 4,884,033 4,213
Cordelia the Spider 522   
Noarsil 10348 Cordelia the Spider 522 749,274 1,166
Cordelia the Spider 522    Retreat for old soul
Greifental 10892 Cordelia the Spider 522 Retreat for old soul 715,715 1,582
Cordelia the Spider 522    Henry VIII
Fel Dranghyr 11118 Cordelia the Spider 522 Henry VIII 685,927 1,413
Cordelia the Spider 522   
Dinegu 11773 Cordelia the Spider 522 621,371 1,419
Cordelia the Spider 522   
Mount Killmore 11929 Cordelia the Spider 522 591,487 1,202
Cordelia the Spider 522    No Rules
Cirgard 12586 Cordelia the Spider 522 No Rules 574,004 1,138
Cordelia the Spider 522   
Korch 11351 Cordelia the Spider 522 550,112 1,020
Cordelia the Spider 522    Train Spotters
Arvahall 18197 Cordelia the Spider 522 Train Spotters 163,570 291
Cordelia the Spider 522    Lions Rampant
Brisgard 16850 Cordelia the Spider 522 Lions Rampant 137,442 313