3790 rank

30,394,949 points

27,143 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Euridyke the Brash    Graceland
Mount Killmore 251 Euridyke the Brash Graceland 1,264,934,916 496,811
Euridyke the Brash    Designated Drinkers
Houndsmoor 2403 Euridyke the Brash Designated Drinkers 131,974,037 101,971
Euridyke the Brash    Crusaders ⚔️
Uceria 521 Euridyke the Brash Crusaders ⚔️ 88,094,893 80,423
Euridyke the Brash    Parabellum
Cirgard 4355 Euridyke the Brash Parabellum 33,858,315 28,382
Euridyke the Brash    E⚔️C⚔️V
Odhrorvar 3790 Euridyke the Brash E⚔️C⚔️V 30,394,949 27,143