12812 rank

189,865 points

1,549 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Euphemia the Bold 1099   
Langendorn 1933 Euphemia the Bold 1099 111,418,303 35,185
Euphemia the Bold 1099   
Arvahall 14676 Euphemia the Bold 1099 554,618 2,084
Euphemia the Bold 1099   
Noarsil 11434 Euphemia the Bold 1099 441,729 2,368
Euphemia the Bold 1099   
Odhrorvar 12812 Euphemia the Bold 1099 189,865 1,549
Euphemia the Bold 1099   
Brisgard 21149 Euphemia the Bold 1099 27,900 417