14529 rank

83,843 points

113 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
OmniscientDrforest6    Diamond Miners
Jaims 10458 OmniscientDrforest6 Diamond Miners 844,843 1,036
OmniscientDrforest6    The Royal Knights
Rugnir 8858 OmniscientDrforest6 The Royal Knights 455,764 893
OmniscientDrforest6    Jacobites are real
Parkog 8554 OmniscientDrforest6 Jacobites are real 391,719 636
OmniscientDrforest6    Canadian Pride
Brisgard 14406 OmniscientDrforest6 Canadian Pride 361,684 612
OmniscientDrforest6    Poondangos
Mount Killmore 13240 OmniscientDrforest6 Poondangos 343,926 658
OmniscientDrforest6    Kelly's Heroes
Langendorn 11928 OmniscientDrforest6 Kelly's Heroes 302,450 587
OmniscientDrforest6    wolf pack
Houndsmoor 13904 OmniscientDrforest6 wolf pack 295,722 512
Dinegu 13702 OmniscientDrforest6 256,097 490
Sinerania 9715 OmniscientDrforest6 220,538 331
OmniscientDrforest6    Live Peacefully
Fel Dranghyr 13603 OmniscientDrforest6 Live Peacefully 218,913 437
OmniscientDrforest6    Curiousity Guild
Greifental 13335 OmniscientDrforest6 Curiousity Guild 217,533 438
Noarsil 13261 OmniscientDrforest6 181,086 261
OmniscientDrforest6    moon's outlaws
Cirgard 15318 OmniscientDrforest6 moon's outlaws 180,060 322
Arvahall 18344 OmniscientDrforest6 148,549 248
Korch 14275 OmniscientDrforest6 133,045 209
Tuulech 7738 OmniscientDrforest6 113,306 158
OmniscientDrforest6    zo inquisition
East-Nagach 15960 OmniscientDrforest6 zo inquisition 90,302 153
Odhrorvar 14529 OmniscientDrforest6 83,843 113
Uceria 8104 OmniscientDrforest6 41,142 110