9983 rank

778,440 points

2,234 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dinos33    AD0
Langendorn 9792 Dinos33 AD0 852,676 2,359
Dinos33    Imperium of Man
Sinerania 7216 Dinos33 Imperium of Man 827,636 3,149
Dinos33    Morning Glory
Odhrorvar 9983 Dinos33 Morning Glory 778,440 2,234
Dinos33    Thee Irish Barstards
Dinegu 11533 Dinos33 Thee Irish Barstards 680,569 2,311
Dinos33    Freeplay
Brisgard 13017 Dinos33 Freeplay 626,723 1,886
Dinos33    Lord of the gods
East-Nagach 11685 Dinos33 Lord of the gods 617,271 2,043
Cirgard 14308 Dinos33 273,209 487