13644 rank

129,720 points

49 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Anacreon the Just 812    Solo
Houndsmoor 13745 Anacreon the Just 812 Solo 327,682 64
Anacreon the Just 812   
Noarsil 12969 Anacreon the Just 812 219,396 91
Anacreon the Just 812   
Fel Dranghyr 13955 Anacreon the Just 812 191,949 112
Anacreon the Just 812   
Arvahall 18206 Anacreon the Just 812 161,579 88
Anacreon the Just 812   
Parkog 10391 Anacreon the Just 812 150,037 87
Anacreon the Just 812   
Odhrorvar 13644 Anacreon the Just 812 129,720 49
Anacreon the Just 812   
Mount Killmore 15973 Anacreon the Just 812 115,219 64
Anacreon the Just 812   
Sinerania 10841 Anacreon the Just 812 114,381 58
Anacreon the Just 812   
East-Nagach 15866 Anacreon the Just 812 98,487 82
Anacreon the Just 812   
Brisgard 18506 Anacreon the Just 812 73,397 36