6390 rank

6,343,259 points

2,865 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the destroyer 123    Farming
Houndsmoor 4211 the destroyer 123 Farming 43,387,401 7,527
the destroyer 123    EVIL ELVES
East-Nagach 3909 the destroyer 123 EVIL ELVES 40,600,552 7,120
the destroyer 123    THE SUPER GUILD
Dinegu 4055 the destroyer 123 THE SUPER GUILD 40,102,961 7,325
the destroyer 123    Easy going Guild
Mount Killmore 4836 the destroyer 123 Easy going Guild 20,168,425 6,513
the destroyer 123    Greenland/Srem
Parkog 3232 the destroyer 123 Greenland/Srem 16,133,844 5,476
the destroyer 123    A SparTans
Noarsil 6264 the destroyer 123 A SparTans 8,243,926 3,587
the destroyer 123    KeepCalm
Arvahall 8716 the destroyer 123 KeepCalm 7,186,348 3,087
the destroyer 123    F O E Addict
Odhrorvar 6390 the destroyer 123 F O E Addict 6,343,259 2,865
the destroyer 123    Ravenclaw HP fans
Fel Dranghyr 7228 the destroyer 123 Ravenclaw HP fans 6,097,378 3,127
the destroyer 123    WANDERERS
Cirgard 8591 the destroyer 123 WANDERERS 3,906,132 2,229
the destroyer 123    lee
Uceria 3495 the destroyer 123 lee 1,514,627 1,489