743 rank

401,191,966 points

73,842 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
StevePav    存在 EXOSTENCE 存在
Greifental 441 StevePav 存在 EXOSTENCE 存在 845,401,813 143,222
StevePav    Sons of Gwalia
Dinegu 481 StevePav Sons of Gwalia 754,416,569 156,379
StevePav    Canadians
Houndsmoor 597 StevePav Canadians 699,670,273 118,621
StevePav    Blood Hunters
Mount Killmore 526 StevePav Blood Hunters 632,105,152 102,929
Korch 543 StevePav TRADE FEDERATION 587,184,709 93,100
Jaims 571 StevePav TERRAFORMERS 572,495,639 90,763
StevePav    Justice League
Langendorn 615 StevePav Justice League 536,633,062 91,977
StevePav    lOoNeY tOoNs
Odhrorvar 743 StevePav lOoNeY tOoNs 401,191,966 73,842
StevePav    War Sloths
Parkog 467 StevePav War Sloths 384,103,851 77,595
StevePav    New World Recruits
Tuulech 518 StevePav New World Recruits 106,393,300 38,521
StevePav    Order of the Phoenix
Arvahall 6320 StevePav Order of the Phoenix 18,125,279 22,144