6843 rank

4,152,928 points

1,686 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Celestella    Praise God
Korch 4203 Celestella Praise God 21,822,767 8,020
Celestella    Gallifrey
Cirgard 7360 Celestella Gallifrey 6,163,225 5,299
Celestella    Never
Arvahall 8975 Celestella Never 5,182,330 3,405
Celestella    A little lost
Brisgard 8471 Celestella A little lost 4,627,785 2,877
Odhrorvar 6843 Celestella 4,152,928 1,686
Celestella    Another life
Langendorn 7128 Celestella Another life 3,850,565 1,960
Fel Dranghyr 8549 Celestella 2,416,974 1,042
Celestella    Confused
Greifental 8874 Celestella Confused 2,058,917 533
Celestella    Confused
Houndsmoor 9685 Celestella Confused 1,933,424 1,291
Celestella    Chill Zone
Dinegu 9374 Celestella Chill Zone 1,859,052 1,228
Celestella    Another time
Jaims 8856 Celestella Another time 1,715,989 795
Celestella    United Defenders
East-Nagach 9904 Celestella United Defenders 1,349,160 935
Celestella    Sitting Awhile
Noarsil 9168 Celestella Sitting Awhile 1,339,465 1,042
Celestella    Nebulae Knight's
Mount Killmore 10075 Celestella Nebulae Knight's 1,227,978 945
Celestella    The Thing
Parkog 9358 Celestella The Thing 249,957 626
Celestella    Its too short
Rugnir 10518 Celestella Its too short 197,393 563