1061 rank

280,074,934 points

54,381 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mumkin    ⚔️Union of Legends⚔️
Houndsmoor 118 mumkin ⚔️Union of Legends⚔️ 2,187,818,980 493,216
Dinegu 273 mumkin UNION OF LEGENDS 1,155,873,412 266,668
mumkin    Take a back seat
East-Nagach 1227 mumkin Take a back seat 314,650,088 62,336
mumkin    ⚔️Union of Legends⚔️
Odhrorvar 1061 mumkin ⚔️Union of Legends⚔️ 280,074,934 54,381
mumkin    Union of Legends
Parkog 776 mumkin Union of Legends 221,146,456 54,591
mumkin    Union of Legends️
Langendorn 1430 mumkin Union of Legends️ 199,480,672 44,437
mumkin    take a back seat
Uceria 3717 mumkin take a back seat 1,209,514 2,122
mumkin    take a back seat
Rugnir 10291 mumkin take a back seat 228,593 590