8872 rank

1,390,880 points

622 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lil Nas Y    #1 Guild Team
Brisgard 7279 Lil Nas Y #1 Guild Team 9,493,222 1,973
Lil Nas Y    Honour Forever
Dinegu 6717 Lil Nas Y Honour Forever 8,890,321 1,186
Lil Nas Y    Fun game
East-Nagach 9215 Lil Nas Y Fun game 2,132,238 664
Lil Nas Y    Avoid the pain
Greifental 8937 Lil Nas Y Avoid the pain 2,069,002 678
Lil Nas Y    The Goods Store
Houndsmoor 10052 Lil Nas Y The Goods Store 1,709,738 543
Lil Nas Y    no stress
Odhrorvar 8872 Lil Nas Y no stress 1,390,880 622
Lil Nas Y    The Varian Empire
Cirgard 12635 Lil Nas Y The Varian Empire 563,702 440
Lil Nas Y    Mercury
Arvahall 16049 Lil Nas Y Mercury 347,418 287