3607 rank

26,704,329 points

15,315 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
hjo151    XxStormwindMinervaXx
Arvahall 1588 hjo151 XxStormwindMinervaXx 174,818,564 47,922
hjo151    Lost & Found 🔞
Brisgard 3751 hjo151 Lost & Found 🔞 41,019,535 22,977
hjo151    Valhalla Academy
Fel Dranghyr 3726 hjo151 Valhalla Academy 34,249,011 15,424
hjo151    The Assassins Creed
Odhrorvar 3607 hjo151 The Assassins Creed 26,704,329 15,315
hjo151    Outlaws
Mount Killmore 4906 hjo151 Outlaws 15,311,991 10,230