8923 rank

1,340,290 points

678 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
pgm51    Guild name
Greifental 4466 pgm51 Guild name 27,564,579 3,161
pgm51    Grease monkeys2
Arvahall 8340 pgm51 Grease monkeys2 8,207,106 1,213
pgm51    ComedyCentral
Brisgard 11251 pgm51 ComedyCentral 1,357,215 463
pgm51    Orion
Odhrorvar 8923 pgm51 Orion 1,340,290 678
Tuulech 5456 pgm51 CHILL QUARTERS 451,998 254
pgm51    Yellow Bellies
Jaims 12063 pgm51 Yellow Bellies 392,601 212
pgm51    WKU
Cirgard 14684 pgm51 WKU 230,509 224
pgm51    Thy great ones
Fel Dranghyr 13878 pgm51 Thy great ones 188,285 128
pgm51    FutureLand
Parkog 10166 pgm51 FutureLand 169,325 170
pgm51    Unstoppables
Korch 14118 pgm51 Unstoppables 140,430 135
pgm51    The Roman Empire
Mount Killmore 15441 pgm51 The Roman Empire 133,089 136
Langendorn 14097 pgm51 104,663 154
pgm51    Vikings888
East-Nagach 15868 pgm51 Vikings888 92,683 80
pgm51    Ark Legion Elite
Noarsil 14955 pgm51 Ark Legion Elite 78,781 213
pgm51    Engauged
Sinerania 12412 pgm51 Engauged 56,984 119
pgm51    The Misfits
Dinegu 18132 pgm51 The Misfits 36,168 101