10096 rank

728,021 points

105 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lea the gifted    ☣AEGIS.ro☣
Korch 9767 Lea the gifted ☣AEGIS.ro☣ 1,145,283 373
Lea the gifted    Able's Trading
Odhrorvar 10096 Lea the gifted Able's Trading 728,021 105
Lea the gifted    Guild of Victory
Greifental 13050 Lea the gifted Guild of Victory 252,582 82
Lea the gifted    Teaghlaigh
Arvahall 17671 Lea the gifted Teaghlaigh 195,182 28
Lea the gifted   
Noarsil 16740 Lea the gifted 39,396 93
Lea the gifted   
Sinerania 13301 Lea the gifted 39,147 104