4403 rank

18,840,197 points

4,175 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sophocles the Fair 461    Cro Angels
Greifental 4789 Sophocles the Fair 461 Cro Angels 21,840,602 5,105
Sophocles the Fair 461    KUROMIFIVE
Odhrorvar 4403 Sophocles the Fair 461 KUROMIFIVE 18,840,197 4,175
Sophocles the Fair 461    Eire's Freedom
Korch 4839 Sophocles the Fair 461 Eire's Freedom 18,010,457 4,089
Sophocles the Fair 461    east coast living
Houndsmoor 5764 Sophocles the Fair 461 east coast living 17,295,607 3,983
Sophocles the Fair 461    Xibalba
Arvahall 6416 Sophocles the Fair 461 Xibalba 16,366,134 4,123
Sophocles the Fair 461   
Cirgard 7201 Sophocles the Fair 461 7,539,839 2,822
Sophocles the Fair 461    Tranquility reborn
Noarsil 14993 Sophocles the Fair 461 Tranquility reborn 82,491 279