13952 rank

108,947 points

157 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
lord conn of the 100 bat   
Brisgard 14461 lord conn of the 100 bat 353,611 212
lord conn of the 100 bat   
Arvahall 17108 lord conn of the 100 bat 235,095 153
lord conn of the 100 bat    X-Force
Rugnir 10391 lord conn of the 100 bat X-Force 204,764 130
lord conn of the 100 bat    Relax and forget
Cirgard 15105 lord conn of the 100 bat Relax and forget 193,166 193
lord conn of the 100 bat    CanadaWestisBest
Dinegu 14564 lord conn of the 100 bat CanadaWestisBest 169,402 151
lord conn of the 100 bat    bee stingers
Parkog 10293 lord conn of the 100 bat bee stingers 157,797 130
lord conn of the 100 bat    The Celts
Greifental 14180 lord conn of the 100 bat The Celts 145,308 126
lord conn of the 100 bat   
Fel Dranghyr 14705 lord conn of the 100 bat 130,953 156
lord conn of the 100 bat   
Sinerania 10691 lord conn of the 100 bat 129,081 182
lord conn of the 100 bat    KINGDOM
East-Nagach 15201 lord conn of the 100 bat KINGDOM 125,135 139
lord conn of the 100 bat    Clan MacFie
Korch 14467 lord conn of the 100 bat Clan MacFie 120,650 121
lord conn of the 100 bat    Baccus
Mount Killmore 15825 lord conn of the 100 bat Baccus 116,803 115
lord conn of the 100 bat    Winterfel
Odhrorvar 13952 lord conn of the 100 bat Winterfel 108,947 157
lord conn of the 100 bat    Honfoglalók
Houndsmoor 16503 lord conn of the 100 bat Honfoglalók 92,036 124
lord conn of the 100 bat    kings & Queens
Jaims 15142 lord conn of the 100 bat kings & Queens 91,504 117
lord conn of the 100 bat    new era2
Noarsil 15461 lord conn of the 100 bat new era2 62,416 70