7560 rank

3,172,909 points

19,696 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Leo the Lion 420    Statler & Waldorf
Brisgard 717 Leo the Lion 420 Statler & Waldorf 587,277,515 153,331
Leo the Lion 420    Independent players
Odhrorvar 7560 Leo the Lion 420 Independent players 3,172,909 19,696
Leo the Lion 420    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Arvahall 10799 Leo the Lion 420 Kingdom of Jerusalem 2,820,274 6,564
Leo the Lion 420   
Parkog 5600 Leo the Lion 420 2,633,598 6,958
Leo the Lion 420   
Rugnir 8818 Leo the Lion 420 494,866 1,465
Leo the Lion 420   
Sinerania 11727 Leo the Lion 420 81,674 486
Leo the Lion 420   
Tuulech 10885 Leo the Lion 420 23,292 143