9027 rank

1,271,887 points

470 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Awesome Gothmog    Post Office
Brisgard 6619 Awesome Gothmog Post Office 11,569,608 3,429
Awesome Gothmog    Honour is Strength
Fel Dranghyr 6013 Awesome Gothmog Honour is Strength 10,755,905 3,434
Awesome Gothmog    The Trade Federation
Dinegu 6550 Awesome Gothmog The Trade Federation 9,022,853 2,991
Awesome Gothmog    Ravenscroft Keep
Odhrorvar 9027 Awesome Gothmog Ravenscroft Keep 1,271,887 470
Awesome Gothmog    Semper fidelis
Cirgard 10640 Awesome Gothmog Semper fidelis 1,260,262 455
Awesome Gothmog    Trades & Expeditions
East-Nagach 10204 Awesome Gothmog Trades & Expeditions 1,236,422 383