11348 rank

385,304 points

364 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
storm19    The Other Guild
Fel Dranghyr 10694 storm19 The Other Guild 831,338 637
storm19    For peace n progress
Arvahall 13901 storm19 For peace n progress 742,967 620
storm19    Hamdan
East-Nagach 11589 storm19 Hamdan 639,455 453
storm19    Guildy McGuild Face
Jaims 11370 storm19 Guildy McGuild Face 552,524 431
storm19    Guildy McGuildface
Korch 11455 storm19 Guildy McGuildface 512,667 456
storm19    Scotland
Greifental 11869 storm19 Scotland 442,258 571
storm19    Winter is coming !
Mount Killmore 12632 storm19 Winter is coming ! 439,264 436
storm19    King Arthur
Odhrorvar 11348 storm19 King Arthur 385,304 364
storm19    Antisocial Guild
Sinerania 8754 storm19 Antisocial Guild 362,541 514
storm19    the heart knight
Parkog 8855 storm19 the heart knight 336,381 419