4997 rank

13,816,104 points

2,265 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Callisto the Cruel 1497    Colletivo ID
Odhrorvar 4997 Callisto the Cruel 1497 Colletivo ID 13,816,104 2,265
Callisto the Cruel 1497    The Absence
Parkog 3861 Callisto the Cruel 1497 The Absence 9,552,455 2,210
Callisto the Cruel 1497    Riot city
Tuulech 4046 Callisto the Cruel 1497 Riot city 1,273,204 1,410
Callisto the Cruel 1497    F'n'G
Mount Killmore 11829 Callisto the Cruel 1497 F'n'G 615,221 1,880