12128 rank

269,704 points

233 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
wightpanther60    Dark Elf
East-Nagach 10666 wightpanther60 Dark Elf 978,156 679
wightpanther60    bodyfromdk
Arvahall 16287 wightpanther60 bodyfromdk 321,962 238
wightpanther60    kingdom of hope
Odhrorvar 12128 wightpanther60 kingdom of hope 269,704 233
wightpanther60    Red Zmaja
Brisgard 15218 wightpanther60 Red Zmaja 259,749 197
wightpanther60    Rainbow
Noarsil 13121 wightpanther60 Rainbow 205,848 201
wightpanther60    DarkGuild
Fel Dranghyr 13951 wightpanther60 DarkGuild 192,066 159
wightpanther60    batak
Rugnir 10963 wightpanther60 batak 151,404 171
wightpanther60    Bow and arrow
Jaims 14459 wightpanther60 Bow and arrow 142,415 161
wightpanther60    Brotherhood
Mount Killmore 15485 wightpanther60 Brotherhood 138,179 94
wightpanther60    The Dragons
Korch 14370 wightpanther60 The Dragons 135,540 191
wightpanther60    埼玉県川越市
Sinerania 10708 wightpanther60 埼玉県川越市 122,201 123
wightpanther60    WAR Mason's
Parkog 11088 wightpanther60 WAR Mason's 103,047 119