12254 rank

252,881 points

460 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rodo the ruler    Golden Horde
Mount Killmore 4372 Rodo the ruler Golden Horde 24,290,150 9,270
Rodo the ruler    Free Wheelin’
Houndsmoor 7056 Rodo the ruler Free Wheelin’ 8,978,558 3,192
Rodo the ruler    Shadows Ashes
Fel Dranghyr 6531 Rodo the ruler Shadows Ashes 8,475,134 3,130
Rodo the ruler    F O E Addict
Odhrorvar 12254 Rodo the ruler F O E Addict 252,881 460
Rodo the ruler   
Cirgard 14958 Rodo the ruler 209,522 429