11323 rank

410,402 points

516 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Steeleye    Vehemence
Arvahall 13015 Steeleye Vehemence 1,087,044 498
Steeleye    Lets go...
Parkog 7173 Steeleye Lets go... 930,607 768
Mount Killmore 11516 Steeleye 713,294 1,137
Steeleye    OffGrid
Langendorn 11024 Steeleye OffGrid 485,648 526
Steeleye    The Last Settlers
Houndsmoor 13131 Steeleye The Last Settlers 428,038 252
Odhrorvar 11323 Steeleye 410,402 516
Steeleye    Sith
Jaims 12510 Steeleye Sith 337,456 330
Steeleye    The Chivalric Order
Fel Dranghyr 13394 Steeleye The Chivalric Order 250,822 196
Steeleye    Halts Cabin
Rugnir 13769 Steeleye Halts Cabin 42,412 111
Steeleye    Hirsch
Cirgard 19465 Steeleye Hirsch 32,536 51