10718 rank

534,071 points

1,259 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Mel the third    Lemon Empire
Fel Dranghyr 1077 Mel the third Lemon Empire 351,815,240 56,741
Mel the third    diamond 💎 guild
Odhrorvar 10718 Mel the third diamond 💎 guild 534,071 1,259
Mel the third    LazyBoy
Cirgard 12876 Mel the third LazyBoy 504,035 1,290
Mel the third    Lunar
Brisgard 14517 Mel the third Lunar 347,745 760
Mel the third    Mel Empire
Langendorn 14434 Mel the third Mel Empire 91,427 150
Mel the third    Lemon Empire
Arvahall 19901 Mel the third Lemon Empire 80,232 132