6620 rank

5,273,457 points

2,111 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aurelia the Brash 621    Reteurus
Mount Killmore 4582 Aurelia the Brash 621 Reteurus 21,483,142 4,213
Aurelia the Brash 621    Sainte Lois
Greifental 6072 Aurelia the Brash 621 Sainte Lois 10,781,148 2,644
Aurelia the Brash 621    turo
Parkog 4263 Aurelia the Brash 621 turo 6,782,563 2,304
Aurelia the Brash 621    Draco de deris
Odhrorvar 6620 Aurelia the Brash 621 Draco de deris 5,273,457 2,111
Aurelia the Brash 621    enyzet
East-Nagach 7867 Aurelia the Brash 621 enyzet 4,567,821 1,697