222 rank

708,545,091 points

137,734 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lord Ashnav    🎪Flying Circus🐘🤡
Parkog 222 Lord Ashnav 🎪Flying Circus🐘🤡 708,545,091 137,734
Lord Ashnav    Libertad ⚔️
Fel Dranghyr 4212 Lord Ashnav Libertad ⚔️ 29,116,060 20,607
Lord Ashnav    The Cuckoo's Nest
Arvahall 5078 Lord Ashnav The Cuckoo's Nest 28,575,665 15,648
Lord Ashnav    The Dojo
Houndsmoor 5372 Lord Ashnav The Dojo 20,453,113 14,369
Korch 4978 Lord Ashnav ENGLISH CRUSADERS 16,318,721 13,852
Lord Ashnav    The Herbalists 💨🌲
Mount Killmore 6121 Lord Ashnav The Herbalists 💨🌲 9,331,715 4,437