995 rank

146,187,784 points

32,423 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cleo the Righteous 660    Road to Nowhere
Parkog 995 Cleo the Righteous 660 Road to Nowhere 146,187,784 32,423
Cleo the Righteous 660    Aled's Angels
Brisgard 5188 Cleo the Righteous 660 Aled's Angels 24,447,356 19,995
Cleo the Righteous 660    Just For Now
Tuulech 2027 Cleo the Righteous 660 Just For Now 11,838,479 8,330
Cleo the Righteous 660    Absolute Zero Drama
Noarsil 6376 Cleo the Righteous 660 Absolute Zero Drama 7,658,022 5,296