1606 rank

71,744,194 points

36,674 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Celtic    Lone Wolves
Parkog 1606 Celtic Lone Wolves 71,744,194 36,674
Odhrorvar 2702 Celtic TOTAL FREEDOM 66,202,331 31,663
Celtic    😎 THE MATRIX 😎
Houndsmoor 3654 Celtic 😎 THE MATRIX 😎 60,567,805 31,285
Celtic    Dogz
Langendorn 3069 Celtic Dogz 53,827,958 30,468
Celtic    Simply, Just For Fun
East-Nagach 3778 Celtic Simply, Just For Fun 44,260,481 34,058
Celtic    Lone Wolve
Arvahall 4997 Celtic Lone Wolve 34,131,007 29,933
Celtic    Lone wolves
Korch 3986 Celtic Lone wolves 31,602,157 26,556
Celtic    Band of the Red Hand
Cirgard 4532 Celtic Band of the Red Hand 30,479,225 24,568
Celtic    The Dog House
Dinegu 5101 Celtic The Dog House 21,288,736 19,946
Celtic    Lone Wolves
Mount Killmore 5205 Celtic Lone Wolves 16,606,879 22,054
Celtic    The United Cities
Brisgard 8874 Celtic The United Cities 4,637,228 5,574
Celtic    Lonesomewolf
Fel Dranghyr 9407 Celtic Lonesomewolf 1,651,173 3,898