12069 rank

63,650 points

66 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Arvahall 188 Totoc 1,349,208,860 430,822
Greifental 8081 Totoc 3,456,832 6,389
Totoc    Sanctum
Jaims 10064 Totoc Sanctum 991,400 1,616
Totoc    The Cat Herders
Dinegu 10799 Totoc The Cat Herders 959,254 1,395
Totoc    handasdad
Rugnir 9780 Totoc handasdad 277,320 213
Totoc    Gong Tau
Fel Dranghyr 14112 Totoc Gong Tau 178,521 62
Totoc    Lady of the Lake
Cirgard 17050 Totoc Lady of the Lake 87,263 50
Totoc    Diamond Street
Mount Killmore 16849 Totoc Diamond Street 82,640 102
Totoc    South East
Brisgard 18839 Totoc South East 64,677 62
Totoc    get your fish on
Parkog 12069 Totoc get your fish on 63,650 66