9227 rank

276,430 points

291 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Houndsmoor 1785 wiggle 195,691,301 48,547
wiggle    DAEPD
Sinerania 7414 wiggle DAEPD 730,855 629
East-Nagach 13121 wiggle 322,653 306
wiggle    DAEPD
Fel Dranghyr 12804 wiggle DAEPD 315,927 285
wiggle    Mandalorians
Arvahall 16539 wiggle Mandalorians 288,376 317
wiggle    DAEPD
Rugnir 9755 wiggle DAEPD 285,706 297
wiggle    DAEPD
Parkog 9227 wiggle DAEPD 276,430 291
wiggle    Alexandria
Langendorn 12142 wiggle Alexandria 272,196 279
wiggle    The Great A'Tuin
Brisgard 15157 wiggle The Great A'Tuin 268,499 302
wiggle    DAEPD
Odhrorvar 12110 wiggle DAEPD 265,935 283
wiggle    The Cat Herders
Dinegu 13690 wiggle The Cat Herders 258,540 284
wiggle    DAEPD
Noarsil 12583 wiggle DAEPD 252,999 252
Cirgard 14498 wiggle 250,685 321
Jaims 13167 wiggle 243,925 285
wiggle    DAEPD
Greifental 13265 wiggle DAEPD 224,229 266
wiggle    DAEPD
Korch 13369 wiggle DAEPD 207,634 251
Mount Killmore 15537 wiggle 130,934 303