8958 rank

315,723 points

353 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Indiana Grist    Gristopolis Prime
Langendorn 7931 Indiana Grist Gristopolis Prime 2,473,623 1,228
Indiana Grist    Train Spotters
Arvahall 13806 Indiana Grist Train Spotters 777,183 436
Indiana Grist    The Isolators
Brisgard 13687 Indiana Grist The Isolators 478,487 419
Indiana Grist    Gunners
Dinegu 12372 Indiana Grist Gunners 472,573 454
Indiana Grist   
East-Nagach 12305 Indiana Grist 466,579 414
Indiana Grist    Estonian Vikings
Houndsmoor 13564 Indiana Grist Estonian Vikings 342,664 333
Indiana Grist    The Rsuppards
Greifental 12425 Indiana Grist The Rsuppards 337,559 335
Indiana Grist    Attica
Fel Dranghyr 12723 Indiana Grist Attica 329,444 380
Indiana Grist   
Parkog 8958 Indiana Grist 315,723 353
Indiana Grist    Trojan
Mount Killmore 13535 Indiana Grist Trojan 303,262 355
Indiana Grist    Tinslayers
Noarsil 12667 Indiana Grist Tinslayers 245,553 263
Indiana Grist    the misfits
Cirgard 15122 Indiana Grist the misfits 193,298 271
Indiana Grist    Unusually Unique
Odhrorvar 13429 Indiana Grist Unusually Unique 139,209 200