2241 rank

36,014,069 points

7,490 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BlueBelle    Exile
Greifental 3194 BlueBelle Exile 60,960,256 8,577
BlueBelle    |~The Builders~| M
Mount Killmore 3097 BlueBelle |~The Builders~| M 55,700,764 8,189
BlueBelle    |~The Builders~| A
Arvahall 4084 BlueBelle |~The Builders~| A 51,741,583 10,972
BlueBelle    |~The Builders~| B
Brisgard 4236 BlueBelle |~The Builders~| B 40,649,977 9,565
BlueBelle    |~The Builders~| L
Langendorn 3493 BlueBelle |~The Builders~| L 38,803,020 7,229
BlueBelle    |~The Builders~| S
Sinerania 1986 BlueBelle |~The Builders~| S 36,354,586 7,739
Rugnir 2456 BlueBelle 36,170,561 7,286
BlueBelle    The makers
Parkog 2241 BlueBelle The makers 36,014,069 7,490
BlueBelle    |~The Builders~| F
Fel Dranghyr 4113 BlueBelle |~The Builders~| F 33,780,001 7,512
BlueBelle    |~The Builders~| C
Cirgard 4330 BlueBelle |~The Builders~| C 33,469,373 8,255
BlueBelle    I~ The Builders ~I H
Houndsmoor 4701 BlueBelle I~ The Builders ~I H 32,242,304 7,057
BlueBelle    |~The Builders~| D
Dinegu 4689 BlueBelle |~The Builders~| D 26,451,754 7,348
BlueBelle    I~ The Builders ~I T
Tuulech 1569 BlueBelle I~ The Builders ~I T 19,474,414 6,165
BlueBelle    I~The Builders~I J
Jaims 5239 BlueBelle I~The Builders~I J 15,397,374 6,164
BlueBelle    |~ The Builders ~| U
Uceria 1602 BlueBelle |~ The Builders ~| U 13,971,949 5,235
BlueBelle    I~The Builders~I N
Noarsil 5539 BlueBelle I~The Builders~I N 12,173,911 5,553
BlueBelle    |~The Builders~| E
East-Nagach 6493 BlueBelle |~The Builders~| E 10,065,349 5,561
BlueBelle    Peace Haven
Odhrorvar 6027 BlueBelle Peace Haven 7,777,977 4,042
BlueBelle    |~The Builders~| K
Korch 6626 BlueBelle |~The Builders~| K 6,969,748 4,238