5341 rank

3,132,116 points

1,531 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Matilda the Dire 881   
Parkog 5341 Matilda the Dire 881 3,132,116 1,531
Matilda the Dire 881    Chrysalis
Odhrorvar 10372 Matilda the Dire 881 Chrysalis 636,883 430
Matilda the Dire 881   
Fel Dranghyr 12178 Matilda the Dire 881 427,536 324
Matilda the Dire 881   
Houndsmoor 13706 Matilda the Dire 881 324,330 305
Matilda the Dire 881   
Rugnir 9815 Matilda the Dire 881 278,672 410