11060 rank

104,267 points

224 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jimney the Prosperous   
Cirgard 3533 Jimney the Prosperous 47,662,062 12,047
Jimney the Prosperous    Slackness
Langendorn 8854 Jimney the Prosperous Slackness 1,373,307 1,150
Jimney the Prosperous    Slackness
Greifental 11440 Jimney the Prosperous Slackness 548,485 806
Jimney the Prosperous   
Sinerania 8514 Jimney the Prosperous 383,222 550
Jimney the Prosperous   
Parkog 11060 Jimney the Prosperous 104,267 224