2704 rank

23,910,669 points

13,651 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Brutus the Generous 187    New Era
Dinegu 954 Brutus the Generous 187 New Era 403,335,787 61,797
Brutus the Generous 187    Real life first
Mount Killmore 4205 Brutus the Generous 187 Real life first 28,816,509 17,909
Brutus the Generous 187    Real life first
Parkog 2704 Brutus the Generous 187 Real life first 23,910,669 13,651
Brutus the Generous 187    Real life first
East-Nagach 4841 Brutus the Generous 187 Real life first 23,374,077 12,264
Brutus the Generous 187    Real life first
Odhrorvar 4196 Brutus the Generous 187 Real life first 22,674,827 11,937