8028 rank

564,465 points

782 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tezz the Terrible   
Houndsmoor 3899 Tezz the Terrible 52,034,699 25,068
Tezz the Terrible   
Greifental 5809 Tezz the Terrible 13,121,573 9,483
Tezz the Terrible   
Brisgard 8847 Tezz the Terrible 4,697,077 2,868
Tezz the Terrible    Green Horns
Dinegu 8355 Tezz the Terrible Green Horns 3,729,963 1,884
Tezz the Terrible   
Langendorn 7490 Tezz the Terrible 3,343,813 1,702
Tezz the Terrible   
Cirgard 9480 Tezz the Terrible 2,392,370 1,833
Tezz the Terrible   
Korch 9077 Tezz the Terrible 1,703,036 1,647
Tezz the Terrible   
Jaims 9601 Tezz the Terrible 1,283,283 1,612
Tezz the Terrible   
Noarsil 10803 Tezz the Terrible 611,058 308
Tezz the Terrible    No Demands
Arvahall 14563 Tezz the Terrible No Demands 610,324 765
Tezz the Terrible   
Rugnir 8507 Tezz the Terrible 578,795 650
Tezz the Terrible   
Parkog 8028 Tezz the Terrible 564,465 782
Tezz the Terrible   
Tuulech 6049 Tezz the Terrible 340,170 417
Tezz the Terrible   
Uceria 5684 Tezz the Terrible 255,323 309
Tezz the Terrible   
East-Nagach 14368 Tezz the Terrible 192,284 328
Tezz the Terrible   
Sinerania 11213 Tezz the Terrible 103,806 128
Tezz the Terrible   
Odhrorvar 14076 Tezz the Terrible 102,458 227
Tezz the Terrible   
Mount Killmore 19216 Tezz the Terrible 31,663 133