5040 rank

4,134,005 points

2,367 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
magwich    moppet
Houndsmoor 2304 magwich moppet 139,977,826 25,482
magwich    Hibernation
Arvahall 5441 magwich Hibernation 27,642,556 5,877
magwich    JägerMeister
Brisgard 6874 magwich JägerMeister 11,519,905 3,680
magwich    blippettyblip
Cirgard 7937 magwich blippettyblip 5,553,108 2,797
magwich    Forge of Outlaws
Dinegu 7854 magwich Forge of Outlaws 4,982,945 2,659
magwich    Oblivion
Noarsil 7189 magwich Oblivion 4,849,801 2,073
magwich    muppetshow
Korch 7368 magwich muppetshow 4,707,444 2,075
magwich    Hell bent
Parkog 5040 magwich Hell bent 4,134,005 2,367
magwich    bibblybob
East-Nagach 8635 magwich bibblybob 3,120,583 2,204
magwich    Midnight Rose
Fel Dranghyr 8436 magwich Midnight Rose 2,845,800 2,098
magwich    Blobbyblob
Tuulech 3971 magwich Blobbyblob 1,485,535 1,700
magwich    bibble
Rugnir 7472 magwich bibble 1,019,628 1,480