10166 rank

167,784 points

307 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
StoutZog    Deers with no eyes
Sinerania 9711 StoutZog Deers with no eyes 209,270 374
StoutZog    Just_Fun
Arvahall 18039 StoutZog Just_Fun 173,777 276
StoutZog    Trade hub
Parkog 10166 StoutZog Trade hub 167,784 307
StoutZog    McQueefin
Brisgard 17271 StoutZog McQueefin 117,548 240
StoutZog    Aussie pride
Korch 14993 StoutZog Aussie pride 102,226 258
StoutZog    Yorkshire force
East-Nagach 16123 StoutZog Yorkshire force 88,287 221
StoutZog    starwars
Houndsmoor 17582 StoutZog starwars 64,776 169