544 rank

314,099,596 points

81,161 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Anacreon the Bloody 941    Chilled Assassins
Parkog 544 Anacreon the Bloody 941 Chilled Assassins 314,099,596 81,161
Anacreon the Bloody 941    kkkjw
Rugnir 2621 Anacreon the Bloody 941 kkkjw 29,883,808 16,842
Anacreon the Bloody 941   
Uceria 3021 Anacreon the Bloody 941 2,116,530 9,362
Anacreon the Bloody 941    Outkast
Mount Killmore 20287 Anacreon the Bloody 941 Outkast 21,447 163