7828 rank

541,910 points

527 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Selene the Hawk 1225    Liquid Force
Odhrorvar 4741 Selene the Hawk 1225 Liquid Force 13,363,477 2,828
Selene the Hawk 1225    Old Greybeard
East-Nagach 5629 Selene the Hawk 1225 Old Greybeard 12,416,581 2,725
Selene the Hawk 1225    Saint George
Brisgard 9605 Selene the Hawk 1225 Saint George 2,518,758 965
Selene the Hawk 1225    |~The Builders~| M
Mount Killmore 11938 Selene the Hawk 1225 |~The Builders~| M 604,329 529
Selene the Hawk 1225    Kings
Parkog 7828 Selene the Hawk 1225 Kings 541,910 527