7371 rank

687,728 points

539 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Athos The Proud    spartakus
Arvahall 12728 Athos The Proud spartakus 1,081,517 644
Athos The Proud    guildies
Parkog 7371 Athos The Proud guildies 687,728 539
Athos The Proud    winners together
East-Nagach 11531 Athos The Proud winners together 647,772 429
Athos The Proud    EZY diamonds 💎💎💎
Brisgard 13021 Athos The Proud EZY diamonds 💎💎💎 626,491 493
Athos The Proud    The Varian Empire
Cirgard 13186 Athos The Proud The Varian Empire 464,878 384