1790 rank

59,159,474 points

61,130 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Joules the Jerboa    The Royal Coven
Parkog 1790 Joules the Jerboa The Royal Coven 59,159,474 61,130
Joules the Jerboa   
Uceria 1347 Joules the Jerboa 21,442,385 28,595
Joules the Jerboa   
Jaims 5707 Joules the Jerboa 12,340,826 13,871
Joules the Jerboa    A1A
Arvahall 7744 Joules the Jerboa A1A 10,569,595 19,817
Joules the Jerboa   
Tuulech 2462 Joules the Jerboa 7,977,722 9,565
Joules the Jerboa    toot toot
Noarsil 7855 Joules the Jerboa toot toot 3,049,074 4,297
Joules the Jerboa    meow
Korch 8458 Joules the Jerboa meow 2,385,789 4,307
Joules the Jerboa    outlaws
Odhrorvar 13121 Joules the Jerboa outlaws 162,105 362
Joules the Jerboa    monocle
Brisgard 17121 Joules the Jerboa monocle 126,724 110
Joules the Jerboa    sticky stehoscopes
Cirgard 16294 Joules the Jerboa sticky stehoscopes 119,439 371
Joules the Jerboa   
Dinegu 16203 Joules the Jerboa 81,954 25
Joules the Jerboa   
Houndsmoor 17357 Joules the Jerboa 66,230 42
Joules the Jerboa   
Fel Dranghyr 18604 Joules the Jerboa 25,404 21