10897 rank

117,272 points

88 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Marto the Great    💫New Beginnings💫
Dinegu 12723 Marto the Great 💫New Beginnings💫 435,159 355
Marto the Great    Sir Lamelot
Odhrorvar 13226 Marto the Great Sir Lamelot 186,162 191
Marto the Great    Immortal’s
Tuulech 6556 Marto the Great Immortal’s 129,270 199
Marto the Great    Free Traders
Parkog 10897 Marto the Great Free Traders 117,272 88
Marto the Great    Brethren
Fel Dranghyr 16265 Marto the Great Brethren 85,056 117