10587 rank

133,419 points

247 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
dorle    Eletric Wizard
Arvahall 17141 dorle Eletric Wizard 232,716 330
dorle    The Revengers
Mount Killmore 14482 dorle The Revengers 207,410 309
Fel Dranghyr 13767 dorle 200,120 279
dorle    Island kingdom
Houndsmoor 15025 dorle Island kingdom 177,851 256
Brisgard 16363 dorle 167,108 257
Rugnir 10829 dorle 165,258 309
dorle    Eire's Freedom
Korch 13835 dorle Eire's Freedom 163,965 261
dorle    We are One
Parkog 10587 dorle We are One 133,419 247
Dinegu 15224 dorle 124,400 282