9205 rank

269,451 points

549 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Daphne the Merciful 1405    gold era
Uceria 3783 Daphne the Merciful 1405 gold era 487,401 873
Daphne the Merciful 1405    nsjsjsj
Fel Dranghyr 13007 Daphne the Merciful 1405 nsjsjsj 329,317 657
Daphne the Merciful 1405    lon
Brisgard 15162 Daphne the Merciful 1405 lon 290,383 706
Daphne the Merciful 1405    sk8
Parkog 9205 Daphne the Merciful 1405 sk8 269,451 549